Document tab
Use this tab to set the document attributes.
Option | Description |
Rename title |
Use these options to set the title of the document on the server:
select the check box to enable renaming the title of the document, and enter a desired title in the text box next to the check box.
The title should be short but descriptive and can contain spaces and punctuation marks. You can use one or several available RRTs in this text box. The behavior of the component in setting the title is as follows:
Rename file | Use these options to set the file name of the document: select the check box to
enable renaming the file name of the document, and enter a desired file name in the
text box next to the check box. You can use any component RRT in this text box. The behavior of the component in setting the file name for the routed document is as follows:
If the value, specified by the component as a new file name, contains invalid characters for file names, then the server will cut the specified string from its end to the first found invalid character and assign it as a new file name. For example, you specify document title as Project summary: 'De Tlen à Trect' in numbers and want to use this title as a document file name on the server, then the server will cut this string up to ':', the first found invalid character, and the final file name will be: "'De Tlen à Trect' in numbers". See more information on file name restrictions in your DocuShare server documentation. |
Summary | Enter a short description of the document. The summary appears below the document title. You can use one or several available RRTs in this text box. |
Description | Enter the description of the document in this text box. Click the browse button (...) to open the Enter Description dialog box, which allows entering a longer and more detailed description. You can use one or several available RRTs in this text box. You can include HTML tags into the description of the document. |
Keywords | Enter a comma-separated list of words that will be associated with the document. You can use one or several available RRTs in this text box. Keywords help to categorize documents and can be used to find documents in a search. |
Expiration date | Enter the date and time after which the document is no longer needed.
You can use one or several available Date\Time RRTs except for ~XDS::Timestamp~ in this text box.
Sent documents will be marked as expired on the server after the specified date.
The default value for the date in the Select Date dialog box is always a current date, even if you have previously specified some other date. This functionality is not applicable to the MailMessage document type (specified by the Document type option on the Properties tab). |
Routing slip ID |
Enter an identifier of a routing slip that will be attached to the document.
A Routing Slip is a form on the DocuShare server in which you can indicate the user to whom the document should be sent,
the type of action the user should take and a message describing the task.
Click the browse button (...) to open the Select Routing Slip dialog box,
or enter an identifier of a routing slip manually.
For correct work of this functionality,
the administrator should copy the JSP script DsNsiUtils.jsp
into the DocuShare server folder: C:\Xerox\Docushare\tomcat\webapps\docushare\jsp\extension\.
Collection ID |
Enter an identifier of a collection.
The collection ID should be specified in the following format: Collection-id, where id is an identifier of the desired collection on the server. You can specify it manually, or click the browse button (...) to open the Select Collection dialog box in which you can select the path to the container or folder where the documents will be stored. After dialog box closing, the ID of the selected collection will be written in this text box. A DocuShare site consists of a number of repositories called collections in which documents and other objects are stored. The administrator determines the initial set of containers/collections that appear on the DocuShare home page. When you work with DocuShare Server versions 6.0 CPX and later,
you can also send documents to the workspaces or custom collections, that is the collections created on the DocuShare server by users.
You can use RRTs in this text box; in this case, the RRT should be replaced with a value of the 'Collection-ID' format; otherwise, documents will be rejected. |
Appended path | After you have selected the container/collection, you can optionally set a path
to be appended to the collection path. If a collection in the appended path does not
exist, the component will create this collection at run time. You can specify several
folders/collections in the appended path; in this case, use the slash symbol '/' as a
delimiter. You cannot use the slash symbol '/' as it is reserved as
a path delimiter.
You can use one or several available RRTs in this text box. You should enter a value in the Collection ID text box; in the case when the Collection box is empty, and Appended path is specified, the configuration may be saved, but an error will appear at run time, because no root collection will be found. There might be an ambiguity in the collection names (there is more than one collection with the specified name, for example), see the Check for ambiguous collections names option on the Advanced tab to find how the component can resolve this conflict. When you use this functionality, it is recommended to set appropriate search options in the Advanced tab to make the search of collections more efficient. |
Lock document |
Select this check box, if you want to lock a routed document on the server for editing by other users.
You can lock a document on the server in the following case: if you are a logged-on owner of the document or a logged-on user with 'Write' access to the document. This functionality is not applicable to the MailMessage document type.
Initial permissions |
This group allows assigning access permissions to routed documents.
Select one of the options: