Enable default billing code for User Dashboard
Users are able to set a default billing code for their transactions. Depending on how Billing code access is configured in Web System Manager, users may not have access to all billing codes. You must choose a global access level for the billing codes that determine which billing codes the users can access. For more information, see Enable system-wide billing code access.
To determine to billing codes that users can access, do the following:
- In System Configuration, select Global Configuration Settings > User Interaction > Billing Code Access, Cashier Behavior and Error Notification.
Select on the following billing code access options:
- All codes - Users can charge transactions to any billing code.
- Only codes assigned to user's department - Users can charge only those billing codes defined for the departments to which they belong.
- Only codes assigned to user - Users can charge to only those billing codes assigned to their user accounts.
- Codes assigned to user or user's department - Users can only charge to those billing codes assigned to their user accounts, or the departments to which they belong.
- Click Apply.
The Exclude
codes with no balance option does not affect the default
billing code in User Dashboard.