Use PayPal with Web Deposit
Set the amount. If the PayPal settings are not set, an error page appears
describing the cause of the issue.
Specify the amount to add to your Equitrac balance. The following values appear:
- Your current Equitrac Account balance: Shows the balance of the logged-in Equitrac user at the time when the page was loaded.
- Amount: You must specify the amount here. It is allowed to be in the interval defined with the minimum and maximum amount (as the Web Deposit global settings).
- Transaction fee: A fix fee per transaction which is added to the transferred money. This is debited from the buyer’s PayPal account and deposited into the merchant’s PayPal account, but is not added to the Equitrac account. This is specified at the Web Deposit global settings. If the transaction fee is 0, this field is hidden.
- Total amount: The sum of the amount and the transaction fee that is calculated automatically in real time. If the transaction fee is 0, this field is hidden.
- Estimated new Equitrac balance: This is the new expected Equitrac balance after a successful payment, which is the sum of the amount and the current Equitrac balance.
- Review and accept the configured legal documents by selecting the check box next to I have read and accepted.
Cancel the payment workflow by clicking the
Cancel button, or start the payment by
clicking the Check out with PayPal button. This
button appears only if all the legal documents are already accepted.
Otherwise, it is not available.
The payment either succeeds or fails. The Status screen appears with the result of the payment.
Specify the amount to add to your Equitrac balance. The following values appear:
Log in with PayPal.
Log in with the PayPal account which you use to pay.
These pages are owned and controlled by PayPal and Web Deposit does not have influence on them. All information provided here is not transferred to and stored by Web Deposit.
Your profile summary for your PayPal account contains your registered personal and financial information, including your bank and debit or credit details, registered phone numbers, email addresses, and street addresses. In your profile, you can add additional cards, bank accounts, email addresses or street addresses, phone numbers and change your password or security questions.
To view your registered information, log in to your PayPal account and click Profile near the top of the page. To change any of your personal information, click My personal info, My money, My settings, or My selling tools, and follow the steps provided.
Depending on your PayPal account you can pay by:
- Linking your bank account, debit and credit cards to your PayPal account (up to 8 bank accounts for each PayPal account)
- Using your PayPal account (with money already stored there)
The currency type used by the Web Deposit and the PayPal account may be different. PayPal handles conversion between them.
It may happen that you navigate away from the payment pages inside the PayPal web site. In this case, with the Back button of the browser you can navigate back to the payment page or to the Web Deposit “set amount” screen.
You can still cancel the payment at this point. In this case, money is not transferred and the Web Deposit “Status” screen appears describing the cause of the cancellation.
- Click Done. You are transferred to the Web Deposit "Review" screen. Payment does not happen and money is not transferred yet at this point.
Log in with the PayPal account which you use to pay.
Review payment. Review your payment before the transaction:
- First Name of the PayPal account.
- Last Name of the PayPal account.
- Email address of the PayPal account.
- Amount: The amount which is paid for the Equitrac account.
- Transaction fee: A fee amount per transaction which is added to the transferred money.
- Total Amount: The total amount which is debited from the listed PayPal account.
- Current Equitrac Account balance: The balance of the logged-in Equitrac user at the time the page was loaded.
- Estimated new Equitrac Account balance: The balance of the logged-in Equitrac user increased with the amount (transaction fee is not included) if the payment is successful.
If payment data is correct, click the Pay Now button to finalize the payment at PayPal. Click the Cancel button to cancel the transaction without any money transfer.
Check Status.
The result of the payment workflow is displayed. It can be completed, paid, cancelled or failed. Money is transferred only if the payment is completed or paid. In this case, the transaction ID of PayPal is displayed.
PayPal automatically sends email after a transaction if the PayPal account is configured to do this.- If the payment is "completed", the Equitrac account is increased and the new balance is displayed.
- If the payment is "paid", the money was debited from your PayPal account, but the Equitrac account could not be increased (because of a communication problem between Web Deposit and the Equitrac server). Click the Refresh button that appears in order to try increasing the balance again. If it does not help, report it to the Web Deposit administrator to increase the Equitrac balance manually.
- Close the payment workflow with the Done / Close button. The Web Deposit “Payment selection” screen appears.