Regular expression syntax
Regular expression | Description |
a | a where a is any symbol excluding symbols (|)[].*+^$\? |
\a | a where a is any symbol including (|)[].*+^$\? To represent any symbol "as is", prefix it with a backslash symbol. You can use it to represent special characters, including characters inside of CharSet. To represent a single backslash character ( \ ), prefix it with itself ( \\ ). For example: \* means character "*" and \a means character "a". |
. | Any single symbol. For example: expression 11.5 corresponds to such combinations of characters as "1135", "11f5", "11_5" and so on. |
RegExp | Any regular expression RegExp. For instance, 112 represents sequence "112", which can be found inside a string (not the whole string!). |
RegExp1|RegExp2 | Any one of expressions RegExp1 or RegExp2 For example, expression 1|3 validates any of symbols "1" or "3". Concatenation has priority over alternation. This means that combination 12.5|78 corresponds "(12(any number)5)
or (78)". So, the representations of this example can be: "1235", "12f5", "78".
RegExp+ | Regular expression RegExp repeated one or more times. Use this expression to find sequences of desired characters. For example, (1|3)+ will find expressions (1|3), (1|3)(1|3) and so on. |
RegExp* | Regular expression RegExp repeated zero or more times. |
RegExp? | Regular expression RegExp repeated zero or one time. |
RegExp1RegExp2 | Sequence of two expressions: RegExp1 then RegExp2. For example, (1|3)(11.5) corresponds to such combinations as "11175", "311t5" and so on. |
^ | Beginning of string. Use this symbol to find strings which begin with predefined regular expression. The desired expression must follow ^ sign. For example:
$ | End of string. Use this symbol to find strings which end with predefined regular expression. The desired expression must precede $ sign. Expression ^RegExp$ corresponds to the whole string only. For example:
[CharSet] | Any single symbol belonging to a character set CharSet. The CharSet is specified as a character string and includes all symbols of the string. The order of characters doesn't matter. A "-" sign inside of the CharSet has a special meaning and is used to represent a characters interval. For example, expression [12a-e34] means the same as [12abcde34], it stands for any character "1", "2", "3", "4", "a", "b", "c", "d" or "e". |
[^CharSet] | Any symbol not belonging to manifold CharSet. For example, [^12a-e34] means any character excluding "1", "2", "3", "4", "a", "b", "c", "d" and "e". Other symbols inside brackets are considered as characters but not special symbols. For instance, [$] is not a
symbol of end of string but it is a character "$”.
Symbol ^ must stand right after "[", otherwise it means just a character "^”. |