Using the File Options component
With this component, you can:
- Customize this component so that depending on the file extension, you can either remove the files or place them into particular folders. This also depends on whether the process was a success or a failure.
- Save and reuse the files that are created within a process to conserve time and resources required to distribute the same file out to other destinations.
- File Options increases accuracy through reuse of output files.
Example 1: Use the File Options component with the TRIM Context process component. Use Poll Directory to capture various file types (such as .doc and .xls) in a specified directory. Use the TRIM Context process component to store the files into TRIM and to pass them onto a route component. Place a File Options component before the TRIM Context process component to specify a folder to place files according to the file extension. If the Poll Directory consists of Word and Excel files, you can create two new tabs by using the Add button on the component. The extensions you specify should be “doc” and “xls” for the new tabs. Then you can specify what to do with Word or Excel files placed into the Poll Directory based on the file type (remove them or add them to a directory for successes and failures).
Example 2: Place all files that were failures into a particular directory when using Poll Directory. In the File Options component options, choose the Move files option, and specify where you want to place failures. For example, specify the folder C:\failure. If you do not already have the folder “failure” in that location, you are prompted to create the directory. Click Yes, and the component will proceed to create the folder “failure” in the specified location. For a route component, select and configure the Send to Database component, then run the process. If the process is unable to store files with the Send to Database component, then the files will be sent to the C:\failure folder. Then, even if you there are lots of in the Poll Directory location, you can quickly check in the C:\folders for any failures.