Document tab

Use this tab to specify settings for the document to be stored in the FileNet P8 Content Engine object store.

Option Description
Target Specify the way the component will store the destination document. You can select one of the following alternatives:
  • Create new document if not exists
    In this case the search for existing documents will be performed by comparing document containment names.
  • Update document with the following name
  • Update document with the following ID — The GUID property will be used to find the document.

The component saves the value of this property in the configuration in the form of an internal identifier. Therefore, if you use an RRT in this field, it should be replaced with one of the valid identifiers from the following table:

Display name (English) Internal name
Create new document if not exists NEW DOCUMENT
Update document with the following name DOCUMENT NAME
Update document with the following ID DOCUMENT ID

Title (Name/ID) This text box is labeled as:
  • Title — If the Target value is Create new document if not exists. Enter the title of the new document. This value will be assigned to the 'Title' property of the new document as well as to its containment name if no name conflicts take place. If this text box is left empty, then the original file name is taken.
  • Name — If the Target value is Update document with the following name. Enter the containment name of the existing document to be updated.
  • ID — If the Target value is Update document with the following ID. Enter the ID of the existing document to be updated.
  • Name or ID - if the Target text box contains any other value; for example, RRT.
Resolve conflict Specify the component behavior in the case when a document with the specified containment name or ID already exists in the target folder. The following conflict resolving policies are possible:
  • Reject double - if a document with the specified containment name already exists in the target folder, the component will reject the routed document.
  • Auto unique containment name - if a document with the specified containment name already exists in the target folder, a unique name will be given to the routed document. For example, if the specified document containment name is "New Document", specified target folder is "/Folder1", and Folder1 already contains document named "New Document", then the routed document will be renamed to "New Document(1)"(however its title remains "New Document").
  • Overwrite - if a document with the specified containment name already exists in the target folder, it will be overwritten by the routed document. If the Target is Update document with the following name, and the component does not find a document with the specified containment name, the routed document will be rejected.
  • Create new version - if a document with the specified containment name or ID already exists in the target folder, the routed document will be saved as a new version. In this case, the document will be checked out and its content elements will be replaced. If the document is already checked out then it will be checked in first to store the old version. If the Check in check box is selected, then the new version of the document will be checked in. If the Target is Update document with the following name, and the component does not find a document with the specified containment name, the routed document will be rejected. If the Target is Update document with the following ID, and the component does not find a document with the specified ID, the routed document will be rejected as well.
  • Add content element - if a document with the specified containment name or ID already exists in the target folder, then the component will add a new content element to the existing content elements. In this case, the document will be checked out and its content elements will be replaced. If the document is already checked out then the component will add a new content element to the existing content elements. If the Check in check box is selected, then the new version of the document will be checked in. If the Target is Update document with the following name, and the component does not find a document with the specified containment name, the routed document will be rejected. If the Target is Update document with the following ID, and the component does not find a document with the specified ID, the routed document will be rejected as well.

The list of available conflict resolving policies depends on the Target value. The below table specifies which conflicts resolving policies are applicable to each kind of target:

Target Reject double Auto unique containment name Overwrite Create new version Add content element
Create new document if not exists
Update document with the following name    
Update document with the following ID    

The component saves the selected value of this option in the configuration as an internal identifier. If you are going to use RRTs in this field, they must be replaced with one of the following internal names:

Display name (English) Internal name
Reject double REJECT
Auto unique containment name AUTO NAME
Create new version NEW VERSION
Add content element NEW CONTENT

Check in If this check box is selected, then the component will check the document in and its version status will be determined by the Check in minor version option. If the Check in check box is not selected, then the newly created document will have version status "3 (Reservation)" and version 0.1.
Check in minor version This check box is enabled only when the Check in check box is selected, otherwise its state is ignored. If this check box is selected, then the component will check in the minor version of the document. The document version status will be set to "2 (In progress)" and version to 0.1. If this check box is not selected, then the component will set the document version status to "1 (Released)" and version to 1.0. In both cases the document will be checked in.
Automatically classify document This check box is enabled only when the Check in check box is selected; otherwise, its state is ignored. Select this check box to automatically assign properties of the document based on the document's content type.
MIME type Enter the MIME type corresponding to data format of the routed document. For example, application/msword. You can click the button to open the Setup MIME Type dialog box that allows you to select a MIME type or to specify how the MIME type should be detected at run time.
Application Engine URL This value is used only to replace the ~FCE::AE_URL~ internal RRT. Enter the URL of a custom application engine service application or select one of the two predefined values:
  • ~FCE::CE_URL~/WorkplaceXT
It is recommended to use ~FCE::CE_URL~ RRT in this text box if application engine uses the same application server as FileNet P8 Content Engine does.
Document URL pattern Specify the FileNet P8 Content Engine’s URL of the target document. This value is used to replace the ~FCE::DocumentURL~ internal RRT.

FileNet P8 supports the following two forms of the document’s URL that are supported by standard web applications:

  • ID-based URL:


  • Path-based URL:


Select one of two predefined values that correspond to these forms:
  • ~FCE::AE_URL~/getContent?objectStoreName=~FCE::ObjectStore~&vsId=~FCE::DocumentVsId~&objectType=document
  • ~FCE::AE_URL~/getContent/~FCE::ObjectStore~~FCE::FolderPath~/~FCE::DocumentName~

More options Click this button to configure the additional settings for routed documents (like subscriptions, annotations, relationships) in the More Options dialog box.