Task Properties dialog box
Use this dialog to configure various properties for a task.
To open the Task Properties dialog box, right-click the background of any task in a configuration, and click Properties on the shortcut menu.
The Task Properties dialog box has four categories of settings:
General task properties
Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Active | Select this check box to activate the task and its workflows when you start the configuration. You can clear this check box to prevent workflows in a task from being run by the AutoStore service. |
Task Information | Enter the general information about the process:
Perform this task | In the Every box, enter the frequency of
execution for this task between 5 and 999 seconds. The default setting is 20
seconds. You can increase the priority of a task by decreasing the execution interval specified here. You can increase this value if a task is relatively unimportant. |
If this task fails | Select the Retry check box if you want the service to retry performing the task when it does not initially succeed. Enter the number of retries between 1 and 100. |
Administrator Alerts task properties
Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Activate | Select this check box to enable alerts to be sent to an email address for certain types of server notifications, such as abnormal server shutdowns or volume license warnings. |
Server | Enter the name or IP address of the SMTP server. |
Port | Enter the SMTP server port. |
This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) | Select this check box to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. |
User name | Enter the user name to connect to the SMTP server. |
Password | Enter the password for the user name. |
From | Enter the return email address that will be specified in the alert. |
To | Enter the email address that will be receive the alert. |
Test | Click this button to test the logon credentials for the SMPT server. |
Scheduling properties
These options allow you to schedule when workflows defined by a task will be performed. You can clear the boxes here to perform a task continually. According to standard convention, 12 AM denotes midnight and 12 PM denotes noon.
Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Standard processing | Schedule the task to run in a designated time slot by selecting the Schedule check box and entering Start time and End time. The task will be repeated during this time slot at the interval specified by the Perform this task option in the General settings. A task will be performed once if the Start time and the End time are the same. Clear the Schedule check box to repeat the task continuously. |
Retry processing | Schedule retries in case of failure in a designated time slot by selecting the Schedule check box and entering Start time and End time. These settings are only available if the Settings box is selected for Standard processing. A failed task will be retried during this time slot at the interval specified by the Perform this task option in the General settings. A task will be retried once if the Start time and the End time are the same. Clear the Schedule check box to not attempt to repeat the task if it fails. |
Advanced properties
Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Home directory | Home directory is the directory where the information about the current
task run is saved. This information is necessary for retrying task in case
of failures. By default this value is
C:\<ProductName>\<Task_ID>, where
<ProductName> is the name of this product and <Task_ID> is the global
unique identifier of the task. AutoStore creates three subfolders under a home directory to use in task processing: Work, Retry, and Reject. |
Restrict access | This option aims to protect data and images being processed by AutoStore
from being easily accessible from outside applications. At a high level, any
document that is being written to the file system by AutoStore would only be
readable by another AutoStore process. When the Restrict access box is checked, AutoStore sets the home directory to not inherit permissions and then explicitly remove individual permissions. It restricts home directory access to local Administrators group and local SYSTEM accounts only. When the Restrict access box is not checked, the home directory inherits permissions from its parent folder. Any regular, non-admin user is not restricted from accessing a home directory.
Debug | The Debug option is only used for support purposes and should only be selected when requested by a
qualified server Administrator. When the Debug option is selected, the various components within the server
create log messages in the log file. These messages are designed to help the support staff take a closer look at the internal
operations of the server running in the background. Threshold has a range of 0 to10, with 0 representing the lowest level of logging and 10 representing the highest level of logging. When the Debug option is turned on, the number of log messages from each module increases
based on the Threshold level selected. This operation requires free disk space and can affect system
operations if it is not turned off. System performance and availability might be impacted if the hard-disk storage is