ScanJobTransferFailure event

This event occurs when a scanned job fails to transfer to the server.

This Scan Job Transfer Failure option in the Ricoh ESA preferences provides the ability to create a custom notification when a scanned job does not transfer from the device to the server. Scanned job transfers can fail if the device loses network connectivity or if the scanned job is too large and the network bandwidth is limited. Once network connectivity is restored, if the scanned job still fails to be transmitted, the scan data associated with the failed job is transferred to the server for proper notification handling.

ScanJobTransferFailure ( ScanJobInfo )
Argument Description
ScanJobInfo The object containing the failed scanned job data.


This event can be used to notify the user or administrator when a scanned job fails to be transferred to the server for processing.


Sub ScanJobTransferFailure (ScanJobInfo)
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Date: " + CStr(ScanJobInfo.Date)
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Time: " + CStr(ScanJobInfo.Time)
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Time24Hour: " + CStr(ScanJobInfo.Time24Hour)
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Username: " + ScanJobInfo.UserName
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Email address: " + ScanJobInfo.EmailAddress
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "DeviceAddress: " + ScanJobInfo.DeviceAddress
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Page Count: " + CStr(ScanJobInfo.PageCount)
   Set Form = ScanJobInfo.Form
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Form Name: " + Form.Name
   ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Form ID: " + Form.ID
   For i = 0 to Form.FieldCount-1
      Set Field = Form.GetField(i)
      ScanJobInfo.StatusMsg "Field:" + Field.Name + " = " + Field.Value
End Sub

ScanJobInfo Properties

Form Properties

Form Methods

GetField ( Index )
Argument Description
Index The zero based index of the form field.
Return value
Returns the form field.

Field Properties