How to Use the OPBinder Component
An example of the component usage.
- Scan document pages from an MFP device, bind them altogether, convert the resultant document to the searchable format, and send it to a local folder.
- Design a workflow process by selecting the MFP component according to the device type, the OPBinder component, the OP OCR component, and the Send to Folder component.
- Configure the MFP component to allow users to specify the value of the release condition when scanning batches of documents.
- Configure the OPBinder component to get the release condition value as an RRT. Configure the other components in the process.
- Save changes to the workflow and start the process.
- At the control panel of the MFP device, the user enters a preconfigured function key, specifies the release condition value as 0, and begins scanning the document.
- To complete the binding of the scans, the user specifies another value of the Flag (for example 1) when scanning the last batch of pages for that document.
The document generated by the process is sent to the OP OCR component,
converted to the searchable content, and sent to the predefined folder.
Now it is possible to perform a search through the whole document, which is bound from all the scanned pages.