Modifies the database settings for user, department and billing code.
Modifying requires values up to and including the final modified field. For example, if the final field is <email>, all fields to the left must have a specified value—those to the right can be excluded from the command. Insert an “!” for the fields to the left that you do not want to change. Any unmodified field after <email> can be left blank except for <dept_name>. If the department name variable is left blank, the user is removed from that department.
Modify a user:
modify ur <user_id> [<user_name> <min_bal> <email> <dept_name> <primaryPIN> <secondaryPIN> <quota> <alternatePIN> <home_server> <locked> <location> <default_bc> <additional_info> <home_folder>]
Example: Update email address of user johnd and keep the rest of the information:
EQCmd -sMyServer modify ur johnd! ! !
Modify a department:
modify dp <dept_name> [<desc> <min_bal> <primaryPIN> <secondaryPIN>]
Modify a billing code:
modify bc <bc_name> [<desc> <min_bal> <primaryPIN> <secondaryPIN>]
Modify the user default billing code:
modify ur <user_id> <default_bc>
Example: EQCmd -sMyServer modify ur johnd billing1 -d (where the "-d" represents default)
To lock a user, set the <locked> value to "1". To unlock a user, use the unlock ur <user_id> command. See Lock and Unlock for details.