Define a schedule recurrence
The flexibility of the Equitrac scheduling feature enables you to define diverse schedules for your various tasks. By scheduling tasks, you can specify whether you want a particular task to run only once, or on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Schedule a Task to Run Once
When scheduling a task to run once, you can specify a current or future date and time for the task to run. To run the task, ensure that Once is selected under When to Run section, and the date and time are selected, then click Save.
Schedule a Daily, Weekly or Monthly Task
When scheduling a task to run on a daily basis, you can select the first day, the time of day, the final day, and how frequently you want the task to run.
When scheduling a task to run on a weekly basis, you can select the first day, the time of day, the final day, how frequently, and on which weekdays you want the task to run.
When scheduling a task to run on a monthly basis, you can select the first day, the time of day, the final day, how frequently, and during which months you want the task to run.
Enter the dates in the field using the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Run Tasks Immediately
When you have defined tasks listed in Web System Manager, you can select any of the existing tasks to run immediately.
In the Scheduled Tasks, select a task and then click Run task now icon.
Running an existing task immediately does not interfere with any existing schedule that you have configured for the task. For example, if you manually run an import task, normally scheduled for the weekend, on a Wednesday, the task will also run as scheduled at its appointed time.