
If there is an issue with Web Client, Equitrac technical support may require log files.

Complete the following steps to get WebClient.log files:

  1. Switch on logging:
    1. Start the Internet Information Management console and stop the Equitrac application pool.
    2. Open the Web Client Web.config in a text editor. By default it is in C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient.
    3. Find the Logging entries in Web.config and set the following values.
              Controls the logging level. Available (case insensitive) values are:
                OFF: Disable logging.
                ERROR+WARNING, INFO, VERBOSE: Enable logging with the specified logging level.
          <add key="LogLevel" value="ERROR+WARNING" />
              Sets the log file name. The directory will be under %ProgramData% common applications folder.
          <add key="LogFileName" value="Kofax\ControlSuite\Logs\Equitrac\WebClient\WebClient.log" />
              Sets the log file maximum size in megabytes.
          <add key="LogFileSize" value="30" />
              Sets the maximum number of rolling log files.
          <add key="LogMaxNumberOfFiles" value="5" />
    4. Save and close Web.config.
    5. Restart the Equitrac application pool.
  2. Use Web Client to reproduce the issue.
  3. Collect the log files:
    1. Start Internet Information Management console and stop the Equitrac application pool.
    2. Go to the <Common Application Data>\Kofax\ControlSuite\Logs\Equitrac\WebClient folder (usually it is a hidden folder ProgramData\Kofax\ControlSuite\Logs\Equitrac\WebClient).
    3. Collect all files and send them to the support.
  4. Switch off logging. This is a recommended step as logging decreases the performance of the application.
    1. Open Web.config (by default it is in Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\Web Client) in a text editor.
    2. Disable logging the with the following entry: <add key="LogLevel" value="OFF" /> element.
    3. Save and close Web.config.
    4. Restart the Equitrac application pool.