DCO parameters

Name Description Value Type
DCO_BOOL_COMPACT Enables or disables data compaction

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_DATA_IS_HEX If the Boolean is true, the delimiter is hex; otherwise the delimiter is text.

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_FCBLOAD Specifies whether or not to look for an FCBLOAD command

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_MARK_INSERTED_RECS Specifies if the records the DCO inserts are marked

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_MCC_IN_DATA Specifies if machine carriage control is embedded in the data

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_PROGRAMHANDLES Specifies if the input stream is set to STDIN and output stream is set to STDOUT

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_REMOVE_RECORDn Allows the removal of a record that matches the search criteria

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_REPLACEBLANKFONTINDEX Replaces blank font indexes with the last known good one

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_SEARCH_STRING_MODEn Specifies if the search mode is binary or text. If the Boolean is true, the search mode is text; otherwise the search mode is binary.

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_SECOND_BYTE_DELIMITER If true, the delimiter is a 2-byte hex value; otherwise, a single-byte hex value is used.

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_BOOL_SWITCH_CODE_PAGE If true, the text delimiter will be translated into a configured code page; otherwise, the system code page will be used.

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false

DCO_INT_CC_TYPE_FIXED Specifies the type of carriage control. 0 = ASCII ASA; 1 = EBCDIC ASA; 2 = Machine; 3 = NONE Integer
DCO_INT_TERM_CODEPAGE Specifies the code page the  delimiter will be translated to. Any positive number that is a valid code page (for example, 37 or 437) Integer
DCO_STRING_CCTYPE Specifies the record's carriage control type "A" for ASA carriage control, "M" for machine carriage control, and "N" if there is no carriage control. If nothing is specified, the default value is "A" String
DCO_STRING_DJDEREPLACE Specifies the IDEN string in the normalized file IDEN string in the normalized file String
DCO_STRING_DJDESEARCH Specifies the IDEN string in the original LCDS file IDEN string in the original LCDS file String
DCO_STRING_FILE80_FILENAME Specifies the original file name Filename String
DCO_STRING_FILE80_RECFM Specifies the record format Record format String
DCO_STRING_IDEN Specifies the hex values for the Xerox IDEN string Hex values for the Xerox IDEN string String
DCO_STRING_PADRECORD Enables or disables pad record Y or N String
DCO_STRING_PADSKIP1 Enables or disables pad-skip to channel 1 Y or N String
DCO_STRING_PROGRAMFOLDER Specifies the external programs default directory Path to the current directory (default folder) String
DCO_STRING_PROGRAMPARAMETERS Specifies parameters for external program "STDIN" is replaced with the input pipe name, and "STDOUT" is replaced with the output pipe name String
DCO_STRING_PROGRAMPATH Specifies the full path to the executable Path to the executable including the executable file name String
DCO_STRING_RECORD_TERMINATOR Specifies the string used as the delimiter. String are as is, but hex, and follow the formation “XX XX” for double byte or “XX” for single byte. String

Replacement string. The length of characters or bytes must be in the range (0 256).

The n represents the search-replacement pair.

Replacement text for the text search mode and 0x030405 for the binary search mode. In the binary mode, each two characters after the 0x represent a byte of data used as a replacement. String
DCO_STRING_RSTACK Species the hex values for the printers RSTACK command. Hex values for the printers RSTACK command String

Search string. The length of characters or bytes must be in the range (1 256).

The n represents the search-replacement pair.

Search text for the text search mode and 0x010203 for the binary search mode. In the binary mode, each two characters after the 0x represent a byte of data to search for String
DCO_STRING_TRUNCATE Enables or disables truncation Y or N String
DCO_ULONG_CPIN Input code page Input code page number, for example 37 ULong
DCO_ULONG_CPOUT Output code page Output code page number, for example 437 ULong
DCO_ULONG_FIXEDREC Specifies the length of each record in the file in bytes

1 32000

The default value is 133.

DCO_ULONG_LRECL Specifies the record length in bytes 1 32767 ULong
DCO_ULONG_SPACE_CHAR Character to use when expanding tabs Number, for example 20 (ASCII space) ULong
DCO_ULONG_STRIPCHAR Character to remove when stripping characters Number, for example 0 (strip NULL characters) ULong
DCO_ULONG_TAB_CHAR Character to look for (tab character) Number, for example 9 (ASCII tab character) ULong
DCO_ULONG_TAB_SIZE Number of spaces used for tab expansion Number, for example 8 ULong
RJE_BOOL_SCB_COMPRESSION Specifies if the data will be SCB compressed

True, T, Yes, Y

All other characters are false
