Configure PayPal
Create PayPal account(s):
Create a PayPal business account on the PayPal website, which is the
target (merchant) account of the payment.
In the example of a university, this is the PayPal account of the university where the students can transfer their money from their own PayPal accounts using Web Deposit. During the payment the balance of the students’ Equitrac accounts are increased and can be used at the Equitrac controlled printers of the university.
Generate API credentials for the PayPal business account. This API
credentials are used by Web Deposit for a secure communication with
PayPal and for identify the target PayPal business account.
Web Deposit requires classic API credentials.
- If the PayPal sandbox environment is used, API credentials should be generated for the sandbox business account as described at PayPal "Getting your test API credentials".
- If the PayPal live environment is used, API credentials should be generated as described at PayPal "Obtaining your live PayPal credentials".
Create a PayPal business account on the PayPal website, which is the
target (merchant) account of the payment.
Make sure the PayPal Application Policies and
Guidelines are not violated. For this, a set of legal documents are
displayed on the Web Deposit web page. You must accept them before PayPal
payment method is used.
- Edit the “PayPalLegalDocuments” table of the “EQWebDeposit” database used by Web Deposit.
- For every legal document add a new record. The “Title” column contains the text which is displayed on the Web Deposit page, the “URL” column contains the URL where the legal document is located.
Enable the PayPal payment method in Web Deposit.
- Edit the “Gateways” table of the “EQWebDeposit” database used by Web Deposit.
- Set the “Enabled” column of the “PayPal” record to True.
Configure Web Deposit for PayPal.
- Edit the existing record of the “PayPalSettings” table in the “EQWebDeposit” database used by Web Deposit.
Set API credentials in the “APIUsername”, “APIPassword” and
“APISignature” columns.
Use the API credentials of the PayPal business account generated earlier. If the PayPal test environment is used, the API credentials of the PayPal sandbox business should be set.
Set the “ApiEndpoint” and “PayPalUrl” columns.
- For the PayPal live environment: Set to, respectively.
- For the PayPal sandbox environment: Set to, respectively.
- (optional) Modify the “OrderTitle” column to specify another title. This title appears on the PayPal screens as the title of the order.
- (optional) Modify the “BgColor” column to specify another border color. This color is used on the PayPal screens as the border color of a box containing the details of the payment. By default, it is set to be in sync with the Web Deposit design.
- Restart the "Equitrac" application pool in IIS to use the new settings by Web Deposit.
Test Web Deposit with a PayPal payment.
To find out why your payment is refused by PayPal or in the case when your payment was successful but the balance of the PayPal Business account is not increased, check your account’s "Payment Receiving Preferences" settings (for example, the currency type used by Web Deposit and the PayPal Business account may be different and a manually entered acceptance is required for the PayPal account). If you experience similar issues, check your PayPal Business account settings.
Post Web Deposit for a reviewing process to PayPal as described at PayPal "Registering Your Application with
PayPal". Before you start the review process, you must fill out a
form for the Web Deposit application. As this form contains technical questions,
the following guide is provided for you:
- “Title” field: It is recommended to use “Equitrac Web Deposit”.
- “On what platform does your app run?” field: It is recommended to use "Web”.
“Please describe what your application does in detail and how each
of the API features will be used by your application” field: A
detailed description about the application itself and its PayPal API
usage is required. The following content is recommended and can be
modified if needed:
Equitrac Web Deposit is a web application component of the Equitrac product. Equitrac is a server-based print management and cost recovery solution for colleges, universities and K-12 schools. It is used to store user accounts and charge the cost of using the multifunctional (print, scan, copy and fax) devices against the user accounts.
Web Deposit is a web application that can be used to increase the balance of the Equitrac accounts by transferring money from the users’ personal PayPal accounts to the university’s business account. Web Deposit should be configured after its installation to use the PayPal API credentials of the university’s business account. Then an Equitrac user logs into the Web Deposit, set the amount of the money, then the Web Deposit performs the PayPal payment using the PayPal API. The Web Deposit does not ask for any sensitive information about the PayPal account of the payer, only the amount of the money is asked.
The following steps describe how to configure the Web Deposit:
1. Start the Web Deposit by typing its URL onto a web browser (JavaScript and cookie are mandatory).
2. Login screen: Log in with an Equitrac account.
3. (optional) A Web Apps page appears. Select Deposit.
4. A Payment selection screen appears. Click on the PayPal logo to select the PayPal payment method.
4. Set amount screen: Set the amount of money to pay, accept all legal agreements and click on the Check out with PayPal button. Note: At this time the “SetExpressCheckout” PayPal API method is called.
5. PayPal screens: The following pages are owned by PayPal. A PayPal account should be provided and the payment details should be reviewed.
6. Review screen: Details of the PayPal account and the amount of money can be reviewed. Then click the “Pay Now” button.
When this page loads, the “GetExpressCheckoutDetails” PayPal API method is called and when the “Pay Now” button is clicked, the “DoExpressCheckoutPayment” PayPal API method is called.7. Completion screen: The payment is ready and a summary about it is displayed. The Web Deposit uses three PayPal API calls:
1. “SetExpressCheckout”: This is first call to give the control to PayPal to acquire the PayPal account credentials and returns a token for the Web Deposit.
1.1. Constant request parameters:
1.1.1. “METHOD”: “SetExpressCheckout”
1.1.2. “RETURNURL”: URL of the Web Deposit page
1.1.3. “CANCELURL”: URL of the Web Deposit page
1.1.6. “NOSHIPPING”: “1”
1.1.7. “ALLOWNOTE”: “0”
1.1.8. “SOLUTIONTYPE”: “Sole“
1.1.9. “LANDINGPAGE”: “Login”
1.2. Dynamically changing request parameters: 1.2.1. “BRANDNAME”: Name of the payment
1.2.2. “LOCALECODE”: It depends on the selected language of the Web Deposit
1.2.3. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT”: The total amount of the money
1.2.4. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT”: The total amount of the money
1.2.5. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE”: The currency type of the Web Deposit
1.2.6. “PAYFLOWCOLOR”: Color scheme for the PayPal screens
1.2.7. There are maximum two physical payment items: “Web Deposit Service Credit” is the amount of money added to the Equitrac account (see above) “Web Deposit Transaction Fee” is the transaction fee of the university. This may be missing.
2. “GetExpressCheckoutDetails”: With the acquired PayPal token get the details of the payment for a review.
2.1. Request parameters:
2.1.1. “METHOD”: “GetExpressCheckoutDetails”
2.1.2. “TOKEN”: Token returned by “SetExpressCheckout”
2.2. Used response parameters:
2.2.1. “PAYERID”: It is stored in the transaction log of the Web Deposit
2.2.2. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT”: Showed on the review screen of the Web Deposit
2.2.3. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE”: Showed on the review screen of the Web Deposit
2.2.4. “FIRSTNAME”: Showed on the review screen of the Web Deposit
2.2.5. “LASTNAME”: Showed on the review screen of the Web Deposit
2.2.6. “EMAIL”: Showed on the review screen of the Web Deposit
3. “DoExpressCheckoutPayment”: Performs the payment itself.
3.1. Constant request parameters:
3.1.1. “METHOD”: “DoExpressCheckoutPayment”
3.2. Dynamically changing request parameters:
3.2.1. “TOKEN”: Token returned by “SetExpressCheckout”
3.2.2. “PAYERID”: ID returned by “GetExpressCheckoutDetails”
3.2.3. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT”: The total amount of the money; the same as for “SetExpressCheckout”
3.2.4. “PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE”: The currency type to be used; the same as for “SetExpressCheckout”
3.3. Used response parameters:
3.3.1. “PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID”: It is stored in the transaction log of the Web Deposit and showed on the completion screen
- “Select from the Use Case list below” field: “Digital Goods”.
- “Who is responsible for chargebacks or refunds?” field: “Not this application, the administrator of the application manually.”
- “3rd Party Permissions – Which APIs will your end-users need to grant permissions for?” field: “Use Express Checkout to process payments”.
“Step-by-step Payment Flows Instructions”: A step-by-step
instructions about the application are required. The following content
is recommended and can be modified if needed:
- Start the Web Deposit by typing its URL (“https://...”) onto a web browser (JavaScript and cookie are mandatory).
- Login screen: Log in with the Equitrac account, see below.
- Payment selection screen: Click on the PayPal logo to select the PayPal payment method.
- Set amount screen: Set the amount of money to pay, accept all legal agreements and click on the “Check out with PayPal” button.
- PayPal screens: The following pages are owned by PayPal. A PayPal account should be provided and the payment details should be reviewed.
- Review screen: Details of the PayPal account and the amount of money can be reviewed. Then click the “Pay Now” button.
- Completion screen: The payment is ready and a summary about it
is displayed.
Used accounts:
Equitrac account: …
PayPal account: …