Configure Send To printing
Send To printing allows users to submit print jobs on behalf of other users. For example, a Professor may submit print jobs on behalf of students to print from any release device or embedded device prior to class.
The user who submits the print job (called the originating user), can select any combination of User Accounts, Departments, or Windows Active Directory Groups as the recipients. Alternatively, the user can set a release key for the job. The originating user can also assign charges or accept costs for the print job themselves.
In a Equitrac workflow when either User Accounts or Departments are selected as recipients. DRE validates the recipient names against the CAS database. The job is added to the secure queue for all valid recipients. If an invalid recipient is found, DRE sends an error notification message to the originating user, indicating that a specific recipient was invalid. Valid recipients can release the job from any control terminal that queues jobs for the destination printers selected by the originating user.