Advanced tab

Use this tab to set additional options for control of the routing process.

The options are related to the peculiarities of the MTOM API and may improve the compatibility between Workflow Server and FileNet P8 Content Engine in some specific environment.

Option Description
Upload timeout Specify upload timeout in seconds. If, during upload, a problem occurs or upload takes too much time, the component waits for this time and then aborts upload and rejects the document. It is recommended to increase timeout value when sending big documents. The default timeout is 120 seconds. The maximum timeout is 3600 seconds (1 hour). -1 means infinite timeout.
FileNet P8 server can have its own timeout settings.
Use Content Engine 4.0 compatibility mode Select this option to use DIME extension via WSE 3.0 to connect to FileNet P8. In this case the component connects to the endpoint "http://host:port/wse/FNCEWS40DIME" of the FileNet P8 CE web service.

In order to use this mode, you have to install Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 for Microsoft .NET, which you can download from the Microsoft Download Center (

Upload stream buffer Specify buffer size in kilobytes. By default this value is 10240 (10MB).
This option is related only to uploading of documents. Other parts of the network message such as fields, will be loaded into memory before the component sends this messages to the object store. That is, large Binary fields will consume as much memory as the size of the fields, while large documents will consume only a specified in this option amount. However, if the Send chunk without buffering option is turned OFF, then the component will consume as much memory as it is required to load routed files.
Send chunk without buffering This check box is selected by default. In this case, the component starts streaming of the MTOM attachments before it buffers entire message. This significantly reduces memory usage when the component routes big files. When this option is turned OFF the component loads the entire file into memory before sending it. It is highly recommended to keep this option turned ON unless the specific compatibility and performance reasons require buffering of the entire message before sending it to the server.
POST data chunk size Specify the size of chunks that WSE 3.0 uses to stream the uploaded document as a DIME attachment.