Scan Processing Engine
The Scan Processing Engine (SPE) is responsible for controlling all Equitrac scan features, such as Scan-to-Me and Capture and Send. When a scan request is received by DCE, all information relevant to the request is passed to SPE to process. SPE then sends the scans to the appropriate scan destination, and sends the scan information to CAS for costing and reporting.
An SPE requires at least one DCE to operate, and multiple SPEs can be deployed per DCE to manage the scan load requirements. Scanning requirements for organizations differ based upon the amount of scanning performed, and how much OCR processing is used during the scanning process. If minimal scanning or OCR processing is used, then SPE can be installed on the same server as other Equitrac Core Components. Typically, a separate SPE server option is selected only if OCR processing is used.
SPE is required for Equitrac’s Scan-to-Me and Capture and Send workflows. Scan-to-Me allows users to scan a document and email it to their own address, and optionally to other addresses via the CC field (if enabled). See Enabling Scan-to-Me.
Capture and Send uses SPE to scan documents to a particular URL on the Internet via SharePoint, a telephone fax number via RightFax, network folders on your local area network, and email through your server. In the case of SharePoint and RightFax, there must be as many SharePoint or RightFax destinations as there are SharePoint or RightFax servers (one destination per server).