Add Equitrac users

To create Equitrac users, do the following:

  1. In Accounts, select Users and click Add user.
  2. Enter the following information in the fields provided.
  3. Field Description
    User ID ID logged to the database to track the account (required field). To qualify user IDs with a domain name, use the <>\userID format. If you configured Equitrac to identify users by qualifying and recording the user’s originating domain in the accounts database (System Manager > Configuration > Network environment > Domain qualification), you must also include the domain information in the User ID.
    Full name The full name of the user. Enter a full name to easily identify the user within the accounts database. This name also appears in account statements and reports.
    Email address The email address is used to send notification email messages to the users in event of job error.
    Department If enabling department charging or tracking, select the department you want to assign the user to.
    Location Enter the location you wish to assign the user to.
    Additional information Enter any additional information that you may find useful when pulling up a user’s information.
    Paid balance Use this field to enter any additional funds to be used if the Allotted balance goes below zero. The funds added to this balance are paid for by the user, not the institution. Funds can be deposited into this account via Cashier, Web Deposit or Parent Pay. The user can transfer funds from this account to another user account via User Dashboard.
    Allotted balance Enter the initial balance for this account. Print jobs for this user are charged against this balance, which decreases after every job until the minimum balance is reached.
    Minimum balance If the balance drops below the minimum balance, the users are not able to release their print jobs and receive error notifications instead.
    Account locked When enabled, transactions are not charged to this account and users cannot print. This option is only available when editing existing user accounts, not when initially adding a new user.
    Default billing code The default billing code is used for transactions when a billing code is not allocated from a client billing popup, or when the billing code prompt in Follow-You Printing is left blank. This option is only available when editing existing user accounts, not when initially adding a new user.
    Color quota If Color Quotas are enabled system-wide, enter the number of color pages (both copied and printed) that the user is allowed to produce. You can reset the value manually as needed, or create a scheduled task to reset user quotas periodically.
    PIN information If the user enters PIN codes on a control terminal, enter a Primary PIN and an optional Secondary PIN. The primary PIN identifies the user, and the secondary PIN is used as a password. You can also enter an Alternate primary PIN that serves as another primary PIN for this user. The user can enter either primary PIN at a control mechanism.
    Home print server Enter the name of the DRE print server that manages this users print jobs.
    Home scan folder Enter the user's home scan folder as a full network location (UNC path). It is used as a destination folder for scan processing.
    Delegates If you are utilizing delegate users for print release, add the delegates assigned to this user.
    Enabled billing codes If you are using billing codes, add the billing code(s) to assign to this user. If you assigned billing codes at the department level, all users assigned to the department automatically inherit the billing codes.
    If Billing code access is set to All codes, the Billing codes section does not appear in the Add User dialog box.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

Equitrac adds the User to the accounting database and places it in the list of available users.